
20704_10203926226929658_1708689743395855028_nI’m a mom, writer, thinker, talker, teacher, Christian and odd duck. I write about God’s upside down kingdom, Christian spirituality and enjoying life when it’s hard.

I’m particularly good at saying ridiculous, life ruining prayers and writing run on sentences. But I should warn you, I’m not really safe. I swear. I complain. I make lots of funnies. (Well, I think they’re funny!) But most of all, I make people say, “I never thought of it that way before.”

So if you think you have all the answers and already know how it all works, you should make your escape now. I’ll just ruin everything for you. But if you want to know more about God and life and His upside down kingdom and why it’s all grace and all so hard and how it all works, stick around. I have some answers to share.

What others are saying about Rebecca and The Upside Down World:

 I’ve subscribed to your emails for I guess a year. I haven’t commented to you before but I want to compliment you on your honesty and that you know what you’re talking about. Your theological acumen is evident, you’re spiritually awake, and you write with clarity. You rock! -Tom N.

Absolutely love this posting by Rebecca Trotter. She has obviously heard God’s voice within her spirit and is teaching His word. The challenge is whether or not God’s people will hear it. Thanks for the insight and truth, Rebecca! -W.

While I read and in-joy every single one of your amazing posts, I had to take the time and tell you how very much I loved this one in particular and how much i love you and your sharing your open heart that aids in the opening of my own and the ongoing transformation (i.n.c.r.e.m.e.n.t.a.l though it may be) of my own mind. Your sharing of your journey, which so often turns out to really be our journey, bit by bit continues to heal the wounds and damage done by religionists and funds-a-mentalists and i am grateful for you, your heart, and courage. Thank you! -Preetamdas

We get all complex and abstract in our theologies, especially us males, and it has a place, but it’s great when people like you put it all in relational and practical terms OF living and relating. -Howard P.

I chanced upon your blog today and have been blown away by so many of your insights. Your heart for Jesus is so evident and I have been so encouraged by the way you have faced very real issues with grace, an unshaken faith and above all, honesty. I really admire the way you never shy from the truth, no matter how confronting it may seem. -Tina

You are obviously a talented writer, but even more important than that, you have something to say and what you have to say is really meaningful even for people that may not agree with you. Let me tell you, more than once after reading your blog, I am left with this feeling of “holy crap, she is right…”, and I am sure that I am not be only one who thinks like that… -O.R.P.

Check out my Amazon Author Page.

11 thoughts on “About

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  3. hey. I came across your blog while searching for Christian Evolutionists on google. Why don’t you post anymore? You’re pretty insightful and as a Christian, I found your posts beneficial to my walk with God.


  4. I’m a Wiccan depressive, and I came to your blog from a link on Facebook to your Smart Kids Being Dumb post. I have likened so many of your posts to my struggles, and the struggles of others I know, and I just have to say, you are so inspirational. Keep up the good work, you’re amazing.


  5. Hello Becca. I blog regularly on christmeditations.blogspot.com about the God journey and a lot of what you are saying resonates with me. I guess you’ve gotten a great deal of clarity because you are chasing Him with authenticity – and that comes through. And it a refreshing way, it confirms that I am not mad! (lol)

    Keep doing what you do.
    Keep abiding in Him.
    God bless you real good!


  6. I didn’t understand God’s yoke and read your comments. Thank you for the clear explanation! I’d like to subscribe to your site. Carole


  7. Rebecca I would love to talk to you. I use to be high ranking gang member. Gordon McLean wrote about me in Too young to die book. (972)201-4051. Boyce Allen, was my step brother, John was one of my members.


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